Resources, Support, and Better Sleep

Hi! Thanks for visiting me here at Arden Resnick Sleep Consulting. If you look through my website, you’ll find my full sleep story and how I came to be where I am today - here helping families get better sleep. However, if you’ve ever considered a sleep consultant before, you may find that my prices are significantly lower than most sleep consultants out there. I am here to tell you why.

How I came up with my prices

When I first started this thing in September 2021, I looked at a bunch of sleep consultants websites and came up with prices that made sense based on the current market and competition. Then I “discounted” these prices for the month of October to try to gain some clients and experience. I found that the discounts were working, so I ended up keeping those prices through the end of 2021. After working with lots of families who had considered a sleep consultant before but were so excited about my affordable prices that they finally decided to take the leap, I began to realize how many people were desperate for support but just couldn’t afford it.

Why I never used a sleep consultant

If you read my blog about my own sleep story, or you’ve read the abbreviated version on my instagram from last week, you’ll know that I was not one of those moms who needed a sleep consultant. In fact, if I’m being honest, I didn’t even think they were necessary because I thought everything was available online. It wasn’t until I really started this that I realized that sleep consulting is all about support.

We live in a world where postpartum support is really hard to come by, and yet so incredibly important. Fortunately, when I was a new mom I had support all three times in the form of my night owl husband who took all the night feedings, and grandparents aunts and uncles who were all always willing to take over and give me a break. Without this I’m not sure what I would’ve done.

 But even without these supports, I had resources. For my first two kids, I hired a baby nurse. This is a true luxury, and it’s certainly not cheap. However, having a nurse there for two weeks gave me the ability to rest and recover, and learn about motherhood from someone with years of newborn experience. Can you imagine taking care of a preemie without the help of someone with preemie experience? I sure can’t, but I’m not the norm. Most preemie parents do exactly that.

If I needed a sleep consultant I could’ve paid for one. When I need a babysitter, I pay for one. For the most part (although things have changed in this new Covid world) if I really need a break I take one because I have the support and resources to do so. And when I can’t, which has happened more often since March 2020, I see how difficult it is to raise kids without support and resources, and everything I know I should be doing often goes out the window.

 Parenting without support and resources

I think this is what happens so often with sleep. We know what’s right, we know what we should be doing, but we don’t have the resources or support to do it so we do what we can to survive. Maybe this means bed-sharing because your baby sleeps so much better, even though you know it’s not safe. Maybe this means nursing your baby to sleep, and then realizing this is no longer sustainable for you as they wake up multiple times a night and need YOU and only YOU. Whatever it means to you, if it’s not working for your lifestyle then it’s not working at all, but without the resources and support it may feel impossible to break out of any of these habits. So I’m hoping to be able to provide this support to some parents who really need it but maybe can’t afford the “typical” sleep consultant prices.

My prices 

So my prices are low. Maybe some people will look at that and think I’m inexperienced and don’t know what I’m doing. That’s okay. There are plenty of other consultants who can help them in this pretty over saturated market. I want to help the parents who need it but can’t afford it, and I feel confident in my knowledge and experience to do that, so for now my prices will stay low.

Fortunately most of the people I know also have support and resources, so I need your help with 2 things.

  1. Will you share this with any parents you know who might need help teaching their 0-5 year old to sleep so I can help as many people as possible? Especially anyone who may not be able to afford traditional sleep consultant pricing.

  2. If you want my help, and you can afford to pay any amount more, let me know how much you want to add and I’ll start a scholarship fund to be able to provide my services for free to those who really need it but can’t pay anything at all. If 5 people add just 10 dollars to their packages, I can provide a free sleep plan to someone!

Thank you all so much for your support and I am excited to continue on this journey with you.


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My Sleep Story