About Arden
Hi! I’m Arden, mom to three amazing little sleepers. Over the past 6.5 years, I have truly been through every sleep stage and regression there is with three wildly different sleepers. I’ve navigated the stress of teaching a preemie to sleep through the night, while slowly learning that just because he was premature it didn’t mean he needed more sleep than average babies. In fact, it turns out he needs less sleep than average, and would be considered lower sleep needs. I’ve learned that not every kid is the same as my second came along and threw a whole new collection of sleep challenges my way from her late/split nights to her seemingly never ending pacifier obsession. And then with my third I learned AGAIN that so much is out of your control, and there is no way to teach a child to sleep through the night if he isn’t gaining weight and is literally starving. It took over a month to discover his milk allergy, and before we could even consider weaning a night feed we had to put some weight on that kiddo.
So, after 5 years of reading ALL of the blogs, and learning everything I thought there was to learn about sleep, I decided to turn my obsession into a career. I finally took the leap and enrolled in the Collective for Family Rest and Wellness Sleep Consultant Academy, and I realized that there was actually more to learn. Before I took this course, I was the mom who did not believe in sleep consultants. I even told friends who wanted to use one that they could find everything they needed online for free. However, after taking the course I realized that hiring a sleep consultant is not about learning about sleep and helping your child sleep. It is about support. So many parents have the tools and knowledge they need to be able to create healthy sleep habits, but without a good support system exhaustion can take over and it can feel impossible to do so.
I was SO lucky that when each of my kids were born I had an incredible support system and the resources to get whatever I needed to stay sane and keep my kids routines on track. Unfortunately, we live in a world where most parents do not have many resources when their babies are born, and they are left to figure it out on their own. That’s what I’m here for. I hope that I can provide your family with the support you need to get your baby, toddler, or preschooler sleeping safe and sound all night long so that everything else can feel a little more manageable again.